Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hello Everyone,
Before I get to the schedule for the week, just a reminder to put the year end soccer banquet on your calendars. More information will be coming this week, but it will be Thursday, May 31st at 6:30 in the BHS cafeteria. It will be catered and the booster club will cover the cost for the players and coaches. The cost for parents/family to attend will be around $20. As with all money, this must be paid in the BHS office prior to the banquet. Please plan accordingly. It would be helpful for planning to know about how many people will be attending, so please respond to this email with the number of people (not including players--I will assume they will all be there unless I hear otherwise). It will be a nice evening and a fun way to recognize and honor the team for all their hard work throughout the season.  On with the week!

Monday, May 7: Team dinner Hansen home--9063 Canyon Gate Cir. 84093

Tuesday, May 8: BHS vs Alta at Rio Tinto stadium JV 4:00/ Varsity 6:00 (note the reverse order of games)
     There is no charge for the game so invite all your friends/co-workers/family to come support our awesome boys--and wear as much orange as you can!
     Bus treats: Cindy Castleton, Julie Homer, Tammy Peterson
     Chocolate milk: 2 gallons and 25 cups for JV--Pilar Shortsleeve, 2 gallons, 25 cups and garbage bag for Varsity--Sandi Jones
          (milk can be sent in a cooler on the bus with the boys if it's easier for you, just check with your player about the bus departure time)
**live streaming of this game is planned, barring complications:), at
Wednesday, May 9: Team dinner Loosle home--7030 S 2870 E Cottonwood Heights 84121

Thursday, May10: BHS at Cottonwood (5715 S 1300 E Murray, UT 84121) 3:30 Varsity/ 5:15 JV
     Bus treats: Kioko Hancock, Trina Metcalf, Suzanne Fankhauser
     Chocolate milk: 2 gallons 25 cups and a garbage bag for Varsity--Stacy Bernardo, 2 gallons 25 cups for JV--Cecily Savage
     Trash pick-up: Sophomore parents

I hope everyone had as much fun looking through the photos as I did. There were so many great shots, I had a hard time narrowing it down to 3! A BIG thank you to Kaesi and Pilar for coming to every game and watching through their camera lenses (which isn't easy to do!) so all of us could have some great memories of our boys for years to come. In case you don't have the links in your favorites, here they are again:
Kaesi's photo link:
Pilar's photo link:

One last thing....I don't want to jinx us, but it looks possible that we may have a few games after region play :) and we need a couple more team dinners if we do. The dinners would be Thursday, May 17th and Monday, May 21st and (obviously) contingent upon winning.  If you are interested in hosting or helping on either of those days, just reply back to me.
Thanks and GO BRIGHTON!

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