Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekly Update

Hello soccer players and parents!

Just a few reminders: First, players it's not too late to donate items for the service project. Please bring any of your new or used soccer gear to practice on Monday. We will be cleaning and packaging the gear as well as tying some fleece blankets in Coach Boyer's room after the practice in conjunction with the team dinner. Second, remember to check out the BHS soccer blog maintained by Sandi Jones (thank you Sandi!) at And lastly, the deadline for all booster club fees and ticket sales is this Friday, March 30th. Please take your checks made out to BHS to the office--fundraiser in the memo line.

Monday, March 26: Team dinner and service project in Coach Boyer's classroom (Thank you Raquel Vargas and Melanie Wilcox!)

Tuesday, March 27: Game vs. West Jordan at West Jordan (8136 South 2700 West West Jordan 84088) Varsity 3:30/JV 5:15   Bus treats: Tammy Wallace, Jill Hansen, Miriam Phinney
   Chocolate milk:  Varsity 2 gallons--Dean Coffey, JV 2 gallons--Suzy Dall (milk can go on the bus with the boys if you have the coolers and cups at the school before departure
      time--about 1:45)
   Trash pick-up: Sophomore parents

Thursday, March 26: Team dinner Campbell home (8047 Farm Brook Way Cottonwood Heights 84093)

Friday, March 30:  Home game vs. Copper Hills Varsity 3:30/JV 5:15
   Chocolate milk:  Varsity 2 gallons--Linda Reugner-Chao, JV 2 gallons--Joni Gallacher
   Trash Pick-up:  Junior parents

Thanks everyone and go Brighton!

Kaesi's photo link:
Pilar's photo link:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Picture on Friday, Team Dinner Openings Still

Hello Everyone,

A few things:
1) The team service project has been moved to Monday, March 26 due to a conflict on the 29. Please be looking through your old soccer gear for items to donate--ask your neighbors and friends as well.

2) Just a reminder to all the players that the yearbook staff will be taking a team picture on Friday at 1:30 before the players board the bus to go to Mountain View. Players please wear your gray warm-up jackets for the picture.

3) Thanks to everyone who signed up for dinners, bus snacks and chocolate milk. We are covered on the bus snacks and chocolate milk and I'm working on finalizing the team dinner schedule which has just a few holes to fill. Please email me or call me if you can host or help with any of these dinners. As soon as these are filled I will send out the completed schedules for everything. I will contact the host and helpers for each dinner about a week before just as a reminder and bus snack and chocolate milk people a few days before. If you forget or loose your schedule, don't hesitate to call or email me!

We need Hosts for:
   Monday, March 19
   Tuesday, April 10

We need Helpers for:
    Monday, March 19--need three people
    Thursday, March 22--host Suzanne Fankhauser, need 3 people
    Monday, March 26--host Raquel Vargas at BHS in conjunction with the service project, need 1 person
    Thursday, March 29--host Lisa Campbell, need 1 person
    Tuesday, April 10--need 2 people
    Monday, April 23--host Steffeny Jackson, need 3 people
    Wednesday, May 9--host Todd Loosle, need 2 people

4) Remember apparel orders due Tuesday, March 13--pay in the BHS office and then give order form and receipt to Sandi Jones or me.


Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekly Update

Hello Soccer Players and Parents!
Here is the schedule for the week:

Tuesday, March 6th:  Concussion testing for all players at BHS at 5:30, physicals for those who want them following at 6:30 (**please pay $25 in the BHS office if you did not pay on Saturday at the parent meeting, make checks out to BHS with 'for physical' in memo line)

Thursday, March 8th:  Team dinner at Hires Big H (835 E. Fort Union Blvd.) Hosted by Mark and Julie Hale

Friday, March 9th:  Game at Mountain View (665 West Center, Orem, 84057)  Varsity 3:30/JV 5:15 
     Chocolate milk--Heather Siddoway, 4 gallons on ice (plus 50 cups and a garbage bag)
     Bus treats--Pauline Rigby, Suzanne Fankhauser
     Trash duty--Freshmen parents

Thanks to everyone for signing up to help! There are just a few holes to fill which I'll be sending out in the next couple of days. If you haven't turned in your paperwork and paid the fees, please do so in the next couple of days. Give the paperwork to Taylor Fankhauser at practice and take the fees to the BHS office.

Go Bengals!